December 18, 2010

Not-so-slowly Getting Dumber

Last night we went out to eat, and when we were paying for our meal they asked us how everything was. I gave my usual response and said, "Actually, our waiter was atrocious." The hostess's response, "Yeah, Nick really is a sweet heart, isn't he." I stood there aghast with my jaw on the floor. It continued, "I'm sorry, he's what? I said he was atrocious." "Oh, that doesn't mean like wonderful?" "No, it means awful, horrendous, Sinead O'Connor..." "Heh, well I guess I just didn't know what that meant..." Not that I can really blame her, I mean like why would you know anyone who like ever had to you know be like something other than like one of those like really smart like people ever have to do like anything other than like, you know, more than the rest? God shave the queen.


The name's Summer. Put 'er there. said...

HAHA. Pretty scary...

I like Sinead O'Connor as a synonym for awful and horrendous. :)

Anonymous said...

She is scary too, I would not want to be caught in an alley with her